A huge season of my life has just drawn to a close as I step away from leadership of the Worship Ireland ministry. I don’t like to be too sentimental but it’s been an amazing 3 and a half of years that I’ve been taking some time to reflect on! Didn’t ever really envisage myself typing this email. I’ve a heavy heart as I do. But also a real contentment that God’s plans are the best to follow! 


To be honest, we adopted the name ‘Worship Ireland’ as a complete accident. It began in text messages sent between friends because we didn’t “this worship thing around Ireland” took up too many characters. Before we knew it, the name had gone onto publicity done for a 2 week ministry tour of Ireland we were planning. And the name was then put on the label of some CD’s we recorded for outreach purposes soon after because the licensing company wanted some sort of name for the project. And it stuck from there…kinda as an accident, but the concept of God awakening people in our land to worship Him seemed to sum up what we were about!

But for me, the term Worship Ireland represents so much. It represents many encounters with God. I’m reminded of seeing countless lives impacted and changed for Jesus. It speaks to me of the privilege of leading worship in over 100 churches, venues and events around Ireland. Many special friends. Scores of fun moments. Thousands of miles travelled.

If anyone had told me that over 50,000 of those “There must be more” CD’s would be provided for, produced and distributed around the nation then I would never have sung on it. I hated hearing my voice and knew that I didn’t have a great voice, but just followed where God seemed to be leading at the time, unaware of what He would do with our humble efforts. I mean, we didn’t even bother practising that much for that recording!!

I just remember that we set out to support churches across Ireland who had a heart to reach out in their area, but were struggling for resources to do so. As we went to places like Letterkenny, Donegal and Mayo, we would always seek ways of involving the locals in your outreach. And not just involving them, but passing responsibility back over to them so that one day soon you won’t be needed…

And I guess that time has now arrived with me. And while I feel like I leave a piece of my heart behind it’s tremendously freeing in another as I get to focus on what God has called me to do in this next wee while.

One season over. Another chapter beginning. But my heart remains the same. To play a small part in supporting, encouraging, inspiring and building up the church of Jesus Christ around this nation, in whatever way I can. Speaking. Leading worship. Spending time with people. Praying. Leading. Going.

What a privilege!