
What the church needs most…

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Deep down I knew his answer was factually true and biblically faithful, yet something in me was secretly disappointed by it. I had finished preaching in a church in Ireland’s South-East and was enjoying the conversations after the gathering. A mix of ages were present as believers from a diversity of backgrounds had worshipped together as one. An overflow area had been developed in recent years to deal with the additional number of people attending, which led to my question to an Elder of the church:

“What do you put this new growth down to?”

In truth, my question was a veiled way of discovering the secret sauce. What had been the key programme? What new innovation had they adopted? What methods could I pick up and encourage churches elsewhere to adopt? His answer?

“Anything good you see here is the result of a deep commitment to prayer over many years”, he responded.

Perhaps my initial disappointment in his response was because I hadn’t discovered a programme, innovation or method to share with others. And yet deep within me, my spirit bubbled with joy at how God had been at work in this church. Here were a people committed to seeking him with all their heart.

This simple yet challenging comment was in stark contrast to another conversation I had that same month with a staff member of a large church planting movement wanting to develop their footprint in Ireland. Over lunch he produced their church planting manual that stretched to 100 pages in length, keen to recruit our church plants to their cause. As I scanned the chapter headings, I felt a mix of confusion and bewilderment. I noted a chapter on Marketing but none on Mission; many pages given to Launch Sunday and seemingly few on leading spiritually.

What does the church in Ireland need most today? I am convinced it isn’t innovative marketing or better methods, but devotion and a deeper sense of dependency. We don’t need more manuals but are in desperate need of a fresh move of God.

It is evident that the church in Ireland no longer holds the position of cultural power or numerical strength which it once had. A deeply religious legacy has been overtaken by an energetic quest to be freed from the shackles of the past. Spiritual rituals have become cultural markers for many and church leaders are often viewed through a lens of suspicion. Christianity has been pushed to the margins.

As I engage with congregations across this island, I am acutely aware of our lack of strength. Whether it be a church plant that is growing yet fragile or historic congregations dealing with decline, all understand that we no longer operate from a place of cultural authority or position of strength. But rather than grieving what we have lost or fighting for the culture to reflect our values, perhaps our new reality might actually lead us to adopt a more conducive posture to enable the work of God – dependency.

The bible regularly reveals that the people God chooses to use to advance his purposes are not strong, impressive or powerful, but weak, foolish and inadequate. Whether it was the excuses of Moses, the size of Gideon’s army, the stature of David or the vulnerability of Mary, it is clear that weakness is no barrier for the power of God being displayed. It reminds me of the Apostle Paul’s declaration that God’s power is made perfect in weakness (2 Cor 12:9), offering hope that, though we may feel inadequate as individuals or fragility as a church, weakness is no barrier for kingdom growth.

When did we stop believing that the building of the church is in Christ’s hands and not ours? How did the measurement of effectiveness of churches become about seating capacity rather than sending capacity? In what ways have we become more programme-centric than prayer-filled and become caught up in the amount of our activity rather than the extent of our intimacy?

As we face the fresh challenges of sharing the message of Jesus in contemporary Irish society, let’s ensure that our response isn’t one of withdrawal or defeat, but rather faith-filled and forward-looking. And as we do so, rather than ministering out of a spirit of self-sufficiency, we acknowledge our inadequacy as leaders and our weakness as a church.

With aging congregations, statistical decline and church closure all too common it might be easy to assume that the glory days are over for the church in Ireland. However, despite media pronouncements or even the negativity of some saints, I refuse to believe that, because Christianity reveals that the best is yet to come. In the words of pastor and author Jon Tyson: There is a rumour going around the West that, in spite of the avalanche of change and the often-repeated accusation of irrelevance, a church has actually survived. Yes, she is stained; yes, she is broken; but she is here. Her Lord is at work within her. The bride is becoming beautiful; his presence is becoming tangible; the body is becoming functional. Beauty is rising and resisting the brokenness. He will get the glory. But you and I can be part of the process.”

The invitation from God is to be part of the process of building his kingdom here in Ireland with the promise that the best is yet to come! So, rather than allowing challenges to defeat us or frustrations to overtake us, let’s humbly admit our weakness and boldly ask for a fresh move of God in our generation. Lord, we are dependent on you.


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As I scan across the wider church in Ireland right now, I notice 2 contrasting features. On one hand it feels like heads are down, many perhaps wondering if the tides of culture mean continued church decline is inevitable as they struggle to see the gospel make inroads or impact.

Yet it seems that there is another reality in play, and in recent weeks and months I have become more aware than ever of stories of spiritual encounters, church growth or miraculous change. And so, as an encouragement, I’ve felt compelled to collate some snapshots of hope from the denomination I am privileged to serve within or agencies I have connection with. They are generally grouped by the themes of hunger, growth and new converts.

Increased Hunger
Encouragements near the border in Donegal among a group of young men meeting for Bible study in a converted oil shed on a farm, who are hungry to pray and read the Bible together.

Increased hunger among young people with one church youth group in Leinster quadrupling in size following an active choice to focus on outreach among teenagers. They built relationships, hosted events and offered camps, resulting in radical growth among young people and several teens deciding to follow Jesus and be baptised.

A weekly bible study in Belfast, translated into Farsi, being attended by over 80 people from a wide variety of cultures.

Dramatic growth in a young adults group in a church in Northern Ireland with over 100 20-somethings engaging in it, and the majority being drawn into regular Sunday worship.

A congregation in Cork reporting their highest Sunday attendance at Easter for over 5 years and the opening of an overflow area in Kilkenny Presbyterian Church to accommodate new growth.

The unexpected attendance of 36 people from Ghana to an ordinary Presbyterian congregation, all coming from the invitation of one family.

Alpha NI report an all-time high of over 400 Alpha courses held in a single year in Northern Ireland, and over 200,000 participants in the UK for the first time in over 15 years.

A congregation in County Antrim growing by 40% post-Covid and adding an extra service on Sunday mornings to facilitate larger numbers.

New Converts
Following the completion of an Alpha course in a church in South Belfast, the commitment to follow Jesus from a lady from Central Asia and a man who has been part of the that church for 40 years.

The joy of 20 new baptisms in a single, small-ish Presbyterian congregation in Belfast at Easter.

One congregation reports 13 conversations in the past couple of years, including 2 people who trusted Jesus by first engaging with online services and another 2 from door-to-door work.

One of our church plants near Dublin welcoming a man who came to church having watched online sermons and realising they all recommended joining a local church family. Now a regular at a home group, his children now come to church with him and he has begun to help organise gatherings for men in the church.

Young Life reporting that attendance in their discipleship groups have doubled and in the last 10 months they have seen over 200 young people come to faith in Jesus.

None of this feels widespread enough to try to define it or make dramatic claims of revival, and while it is true there are plenty stresses and strains in church ministry right now, these stories also suggest green shoots of growth and perhaps might give us courage to pray with renewed fervour, serve with extra energy and sow with fresh courage.

“I see a small cloud, the size of a man’s fist. It’s coming…” 1 Kings 18:44


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I have been considering if whether in an age of highlight reels and announcement culture if ‘hiddenness’ is the counter-cultural value we need to learn?

To reject a desire to impress but rest in the depth of our identity in Him.
To choose the secret place over spotlights.
To replace platforms with prayer rooms.

In a culture of celebrity, what does it mean for leaders in the church to live for an audience of one? To not feel a need to justify our position or look better than the next person. To genuinely seek to make a difference while holding tightly to our integrity. To bear Godly influence without controlling.

I feel a sense of tension in this and have more questions than answers right now as to how it plays out, but I am convinced that choosing unseen actions in hidden places over visibility and prominence is where we really grow.

“Yet he often withdrew to deserted places and prayed.” Luke 5:16

2021 Reflections

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I’ve developed a little end of year tradition of sharing some reflections and learnings from the past year. The person this is most helpful to me is probably me, but here they are in case others find them useful!

1/ Conversations don’t work unless someone is actually listening. I learned much more about staying curious, active listening and the art of asking better questions thanks to a Coaching Course from Innovista Ireland. In the words of Eugene Peterson, “Quit talking so much and learn silence.”

2/ Most people are simply trying their best. My dominant posture to others should be encouragement and kindness. My best hot-takes or nuggets advice probably aren’t needed.

3/ We might feel we’re being helpful to declare that a crisis will end soon, but it’s annoying to be told a few miles into a marathon that you’re nearly finished. It gives a false reality and actually diminishes hope. Progress is not an inevitable curve upward to the right. When things are hard and the end isn’t in sight, it’s better to just focus on the next step.

4/ “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders.” (Isaiah 9:6) God has broad shoulders.

5/ Writing and publishing have enabled me to amplify some of my thoughts this year. In many ways this has been really encouraging, and if I’m honest, even felt a little exciting and exhilarating at times. But conversely I’ve actually found myself now craving a quieter space for a season. To say less. To withdraw to do more deep work. That’s my current priority.

6/ My relationship with technology took a backward step last year during lockdowns, causing me to wonder if I own my phone or if my phone owns me. It now sleeps in a separate room than I do. No phone before breakfast is over. Silent mode on more. Do not disturb set. Turned upside down often.

7/ Linked to this, I’ve realised my attention span can be developed. We are the generation of Continuous Partial Attention and it is distracting us from deep work, meaningful awareness and even rest. Set the phone down and watch the movie. Stop multi-tasking and enjoy the game.

8/ I became more aware of my own physical weakness and tiredness this year, particularly in a busy summer and autumn season. Running-wise, I actually ran less but trained at a higher intensity in 2021. As a result I ran faster than ever, yet also spent more weeks on the side-lines. The balancing line is thin. There are parallels with life.

9/ I’m less excited by heroic individuals and more energised by committed and functioning teams. Being the heroic individual leads to the endless gauntlet of more. It’s good in the short-term but disastrous in the long-term. If you’re a leader, consider how you can involve others in simple tasks.

10/ At times this year I haven’t known what to do or what decision to take. When there wasn’t a perfect way-forward or a complete vision, sometimes it just helped to do something. Momentum is built through movement. It’s easier to steer a moving ship. You can always edit a bad page. Just do something.

11/ In a world of intoxicating self-centredness, the most refreshing and countercultural trait is that of humility. I can’t help but think I’ve taken myself far too seriously at times. There’s a need to hold some things more lightly and dial the intensity back. I want to relax and laugh more. Life is too short to not have fun.

12/ I’ve read some great books this year. Most helpful: “Plugged In” by Dan Strange. Most challenging: “Deeply Formed Life” by Rich Villodas. Most life-giving: “Beautiful Resistance” by Jon Tyson. Most enjoyable: “Burning in my Bones” by Winn Collier

13/ And my favourite quote this year: “It helps, now & then, to step back & take a long view. The kingdom is not only beyond our efforts, it is even beyond our vision. We accomplish in our lifetime only a tiny fraction of the magnificent enterprise that is God’s work. Nothing we do is complete, which is a way of saying that the Kingdom always lies beyond us.”

Christmas – The Glory of the Story

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Have we missed the glory of the story? Have our ears grown numb to angels appearing, Joseph dreaming, the star gleaming and the Christmas meaning? Do we smile with fondness at the quaint little tale, as we focus on decorating, entertaining and pre-Christmas sales?

Many missed the glory of the story. With all eyes focused on Caesar’s census, few heads turned to see the Almighty’s arrival. There was no advertising campaign and little promotional build up. Bethlehem had no room and Herod had no clue.

Yet into the silence came not armies or trumpets, but a baby’s cry. The backdrop was a dirty feeding trough within a smelly shed. The audience were disreputable farmers, horoscope readers, a pregnant virgin and a bewildered bloke.

All this took place while earth slept. Few noticed or seemed to care. Yet his entrance signalled a change. Time swivels on him. People swear by him. History points to him.

Into time stepped the timeless one.
Earth’s newest creation was the Uncreated One.
The world’s youngest human was the Ageless One.
The God of Angel Armies became the weakest human.
The All Powerful One had yet to learn to walk and talk.

This paradox of humanity and divinity would reveal what God is like.
The one who spoke through prophets was now speaking through his son.

The King of heaven exchanged his throne for a cradle.
The Creator entered into his own creation.
The Author put himself on the page.
The Infinite became an infant.
The Giver became the gift.

A gift missed by the masses but seen by the lowly on the fringes.
A gift, not perfectly wrapped with a ribbon and bow, but one messy and helpless.
A gift with no return policy or gift receipt, but sent as the rescue package for a broken world.

The gift of a sin forgiver who perfectly fitted the gap between God and man.

Outsiders and foreigners rushed to the manger. One day, fishermen and freedom fighters would follow, while sinners and saints would sit at his feet.

He was called a king yet he didn’t sit on a throne.
He spoke of a kingdom yet he didn’t own any land.
He was followed in the street yet he stooped to wash feet.

All were welcomed. All were invited to become part of a Kingdom being established.

At Christmas we don’t just celebrate the past birth of a baby but we anticipate the future coming of a Saviour.

Today we stand looking back on his birth.
Today we gather to reflect on his life.
Today we too are invited to worship this King.


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We are all being discipled. Whether we’re aware of it or not, each one of us is being formed and transformed; disciples of someone or something, either by accident or by intention.

The kingdom of self conditions us to think that the world is all about our needs, our desires and our rights. The kingdom of consumerism pushes us to own, to have and to spend, creating envy within us and the assumption that we need more stuff to be happy. The kingdom of digital technology turns us into people of the screen as we become more fixated on the next buzz of our phone over listening for the voice of God or the needs of others.

Every moment of every day we are constantly being discipled and it’s time for followers of Jesus to wake from our slumber. The impact of society’s discipleship is strong and so we need to be proactive not reactive by developing intentional and sustainable rhythms that shape us more than the dominant cultural narratives around us.

That’s why I have written a book, to help followers of Jesus reflect on the things that contribute most to spiritual formation and developing resilience in faith. It’s called ‘Deep Roots of Resilient Disciples’ and offers a bunch of principles and practices that contribute to a life of lasting life.

For the past 15 years I’ve served in a variety of ministry roles – discipling young people, equipping emerging leaders, teaching the bible and serving the local church. I’m passionate about intentional discipleship, kingdom leadership and pioneering mission where every follower of Jesus is equipped and mobilised to serve God in every avenue of culture.

But I’ve also watched too many of those I’ve walked with and served alongside drop out of church and walk away from Christian faith altogether. Teenagers and twenty-somethings who started well, only to turn from Jesus in response to crisis or challenge, disappointment or doubt, fatigue or failure. This has troubled me, but also caused me to consider what really helps to develop faith for the long-haul.

And so, this book explores some of the key aspects that help develop resilience as disciples. It’s by no means an exhaustive list, and there may be others to add, but each of the eleven markers are seen in the life of Jesus Christ and offer postures and patterns for long-haul faith.

Some themes are personal, exploring the nature of apprenticeship to Jesus and reliance on the Holy Spirit. Some themes are corporate, addressing our relationship to the church and how we can contribute to building authentic Christian community.

Some issues are more hidden, exploring how we cultivate spiritual habits that will shape and sustain us. While there are more outward aspects touching on how we relate to and engage with the culture as followers of Jesus, how we share faith with others and how we become disciples who make disciples.

Some themes are weighty, such as understanding the cost of discipleship and exploring how we prepare for challenges that come our way. While aspects of the book are personal, as I share stories of discipleship in action and offer examples where suffering has produced fresh resilience in people’s faith.

Because there continue to be those who respond to Jesus call and face the erosion of cultural Christianity not with clenched fists but open hands; resilient disciples who develop a long-haul faith by building below the surface.

Deep Roots of Resilient Disciples offers a roadmap for this kind of intentional discipleship life. It will help you recover ancient paths in a modern world as you are taken on a journey through the life of Jesus through the lens of our contemporary culture. This book will enable you to discover key principles and practices that contribute to a life of lasting faith; one grounded in faithful discipleship but also pulsing with faith-fueled adventure.

And so, I want to invite you into this conversation and encourage you to order this book. It will be released on 30th June but is available now on pre-order here. This is a book that can be read alone or it’s a book that can be read with others, with questions at the end of each chapter to reflect on personally or discuss in groups. So please do order and read it, but also share it and use it as we seek to see resilient disciples formed in the words, the works and the way of Jesus.

It’s Sunday, but Friday’s Coming…

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This is an excerpt from a talk I gave here at Carnmoney Church to help reflect on the scene change from Palm Sunday to Good Friday…

A newspaper report in October 2020 suggested that Jurgen Klopp was the greatest Liverpool manager in a generation. It was the crest of a wave and things were so promising. But another report in the same newspaper less than 6 months later suggested Klopp’s job was under threat. That’s a pretty dramatic turnaround, but it’s hardly surprising because a crowd of fans can often be fickle.

I think back to being challenged about the direction of my life in the final session of a youth weekend when I was a teenager. I was determined to start living in a way that better honoured Jesus, even writing down a list of sins on a sheet of paper and nailed them to a little cross at the front. Things would be different now. My faith looked promising. Within two hours of getting home I was yelling at my parents because I didn’t want to help out with the dishes. Sometimes we can be fickle too!

I also remember attending a conference for Christian leaders almost a decade ago. I was captivated by the message shared from the stage by an incredibly dynamic speaker. With energy and passion, he encouraged us to embrace the full mountain range of the story of God. “It goes to great heights,” he told us, “because the gospel is an epic story.” Through his presentation, that speaker helped me to become more aware of God’s grace and I left that day more in awe of Jesus’s love. That speaker, however, is no longer following Jesus.

But we shouldn’t be shocked, because Christian leaders can be fickle too, and very sadly even those who speak loudly about Jesus can walk away from him. Promise can turn sour.

The events of Palm Sunday look so promising for Jesus and his followers. A crowd had gathered. They were waving branches in celebration, laying robes on the road before him and singing his name in adulation, describing him as king. On the outside it seems like such a positive story, yet we know it is just an early scene in a story full of dramatic twists and turns yet to come, as the crowds go from hailing Jesus as King one weekend to demanding his death the next weekend.

The sudden change from the cheering praise of Palm Sunday to the shouts of crucify him on Good Friday is yet another reminder of how a crowd can be changeable and fickle. We should be wary of taking our lead from the demands of a crowd. We need to be careful who we listen to in these days, who we rely on for truth and who we allow to influence us. Thankfully, in the midst of constant news cycles and social media bombardment we can trust completely in the reliability of God’s Word. In the uncertainties of tomorrow, rest in that today.

We may appreciate Jesus, admire Jesus and admit to believing in Jesus, but are we also willing to keep following him in doubt, disappointment and darkness? Even when prayers haven’t been answered the way we would like. Even when he calls us to remove some of our sinful attitudes or desires. Even when our faith brings with it criticism or hostility. Will we continue following then? Fickle fans flee but faithful followers stand firm.

Jesus knows full well what you are riding into in your life. He knows the hurt, the loneliness, the grief, the betrayal, the anger, the doubt, the despair, the exhaustion, the weariness, and the constant struggle. He knows all the madness. Your King lives and will triumph over every last bit of it. Trust him today.


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I’ve written before here about the importance of sharing leadership and working with others. That was the vision, but how can we do this effectively, particularly in this disrupted season in the life of our churches? As we thinking about re-gathering and re-starting programmes in the weeks and months ahead, how can we work with others in a collaborative way?

I recently hosted a Digital Conversation with around a dozen church leaders to consider this and I tried to capture some of the main headlines that we’re coming out of the conversation. These were the key themes.

– It’s important to help everyone see the part they can play in serving and also encouraging those who are serving alongside them.

– Collective vision is important. It might better to place responsibility into the hands of teams rather than individuals. This requires a mindset of team-building where we act more as coordinators and consultants, rather than giving responsibility and stepping away.

– Among teams it is important to take a step back to reflect. This might be a good opportunity to reflect together about what we have been learning and what we want to return to before the pressure for dates, timelines and practical arrangements press in.

– Communication needs to be clear and consistent. Find ways of passing on vision both informally and corporately.

– There is also a need to develop vision from the ground up. How are we listening to everyone within our churches? Are only those in leadership roles consulted? There is a need for humility, honesty and communication rather than dictation.

– It is important to help people understand their role, to see where they fit and to grasp the bigger picture too. Where possible seek to meet key leaders one-to-one to listen to their ideas and also share vision.

– There is an opportunity to move out and resource smaller groups to do things beyond the building. Eg. Discipleship in the home, mission in the community.

– Recognise, Allow & Facilitate are important stages in preparing people for life after lockdown. We need to also prepare people for the pace we will move at in our churches.

– Do we start with existing ministries and look for best-fit volunteers or do we start with what volunteers we have and look for best-fit opportunities?

Welcome to Holland

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I recently came across an essay called ‘Welcome to Holland’ that really moved me. It was written by Emily Kingsley in 1987 to describe her experience of raising a child with a disability, and while it carries enough power in that context, I was also struck by its relevance in capturing some of the challenges of leading during the times we are in.

When you’re going to have a baby, it’s like planning a fabulous vacation trip to Italy. You buy a bunch of guidebooks & make your wonderful plans. The Coliseum, the Michelangelo David, the gondolas in Venice. You learn some handy phrases in Italian. It’s all very exciting.

After months of eager anticipation, the day finally arrives. You pack your bags and off you go. Several hours later, the plane lands. The stewardess comes & says, “Welcome to Holland.”

“Holland?!” you say. “What do you mean, Holland?” I signed up for Italy! I’m supposed to be in Italy. All my life I’ve dreamed of going to Italy. But there’s been a change in the flight plan. They’ve landed in Holland & there you must stay. They haven’t taken you to some horrible, disgusting, filthy place. It’s just a different place.

So you must go out and buy a new guidebook. And you must learn a whole new language. And you will meet a whole new group of people you would never have met. It’s just a different place. It’s slower paced than Italy, less flashy than Italy. But after you’ve been there for a while and you catch your breath, you look around, and you begin to notice that Holland has windmills, tulips and Rembrandts.

But everyone you know is busy coming and going from Italy, and they’re all bragging about what a wonderful time they had there. And for the rest of your life you will say, “Yes, that’s where I was supposed to go. That’s what I had planned.” The pain of that will never, ever, go away, because the loss of that dream is a very significant loss. But if you spend your life mourning the fact that you didn’t get to Italy, you may never be free to enjoy the very special, the very lovely things about Holland.

Does it ever feel like you signed up for Italy but have ended up in Holland? If so, what now? Here are some short and practical suggestions about how we can lead in the new landscape we find ourselves in.

1/ Resist rebuilding before reflecting
Don’t move too quickly to celebration. Allow space for lament and for people to share their experiences. In a changing picture, take time to revisit previous goals or visions to help realign priorities.

2/ Frame a positive story
There’s a need for leaders to inspire others to see the positives rather than just what’s missing. People tend to focus on what is lost rather than what is gained. This requires a leader to offer hope and inspiration.

3/ “Don’t just do something, sit there.”
There are times to build and times to be still. In a changing landscape, leaders need to adopt steady, achievable, sustainable work-plans. De-prioritising non-essential activity will help build capacity for this. Time off is vital to replenish energy stores. It’s a marathon, not a sprint.

4/ Rediscover the power of the phone call.
It’s so basic but we might miss it. We can get fancy with creative modes of connecting, but we also reminded of the power in personal conversation. One leader told me how calls one person on his walk each day. Even short calls can mean a lot.

5/ Pray
Does our praying match our activity? Dedicate yourself to praying afresh for your church. Create a rhythm of doing it and invite others into. Biblically and historically, the one non-negotiable, universal ingredient in times of spiritual renewal is regular rhythms of united, kingdom-centred prayer.

6/ Surprise people with thanks
Earlier this year my wife and I received a card from the Clerk of Session in our congregation to say thanks for how we had been serving. Later in the year we received a home-cooked meal delivered to our doorstep. Both were gratefully received and we felt remembered. Consider how to thank and encourage those who regularly and quietly serve in your church. Post someone a book as a surprise gift. Write a thank you note. Buy donuts!

7/ Develop a new initiative
Try something new. Consider one gap in the life and witness of your congregation and aim to do something practical to address it. Not lots of new things; rhythm is important; but something fresh can spark engagement. A congregational bible reading initiative to develop spiritual habits. A Zoom catch up after your online service to increase fellowship. Online Alpha to help those outside the church explore faith. Try something!

8/ Take a walk
Whether it’s breaking up the monotony of days at home with fresh air and stillness, or taking advantage of the permitted opportunity to exercise with one person from another household, get outside and take a walk. Breathe deeply. Pray for things you spot on the way. Invite someone who might appreciate conversation. Pray for them as you walk.

2020 Reflections

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I’ve developed a personal end of year tradition where I reflect on 10 lessons I’ve learned throughout the year. I thought about it giving it a miss this year… but then decided it’s been a time of stretching & learning like no other. So here they are, without a single reference to the C word…! 

1/ We need more than simple positivity that tritely looks for silver linings in everything or tries to proclaim it will all be better tomorrow. Sometimes it won’t. Life isn’t always an upward curve. People suffer. Learn lament.

2/ I’m convinced now more than ever that community trumps content. I’ve become far less interested in perfection and polish, and much more drawn in by personal connection.

3/ I genuinely think we need to shift how we engage with technology for the sake of our health – mental, physical, emotional and spiritual. I made some adjustments this year but found it harder to restrict screen time in lockdown. Phone now off 1 hour each day & 1 day each week.

4/ I witnessed a whole variety of churches deal with uncertainty, wrestle with the best response for their context & use different methods to share wisdom and love. The church gets some stick but I’ve been blown away by the innovation and sharp response across the board in so many ways.

5/ Family life has been more demanding this year but also felt more rewarding. We took more walks together, read more books together and played more games this year as a family. It’s been important to consider what we can do rather than what we can’t do.

6/ Discipleship isn’t a download. A perfectly prepared meal on a screen might be more photogenic than what we can prepare, but it won’t nourish us in the same way food on our own table will. Create your own habits and rhythms. Don’t merely consume. Commit to community. There is no such thing as solo Christianity.

7/ When we find ourselves as the minority in a culture, we need to engage with it not as warriors but farmers. Tend your own field, prepare the soil, plant seed and tend to growth. Choose patient resilience.

8/ We always get to choose our response. Some go out of their way to encourage and some go out of their way to criticise. I know which one I want to be. (Credit to @Richard Houston

9/ More than ever, truth really matters, and that involves a personal responsibility to consider the truth of what we read and share. In a world packed full of information, there is a greater need for wisdom, including being prepared to be more suspicious of our own biases.

10/ All plans are written in pencil. Perhaps the greatest challenge is acknowledging that we aren’t in control. My personal prayer for 2021 is for a sharper mind and a softer heart. And to continue to remember that Jesus is still on his throne.

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